In olden days we use to buy oils in near buy oil Ghana or store with our own steel containers. That is healthy practice we had. Now modern life style all olden Ghana are closed and take over by refined oil come with a plastic packs. Now lot awareness as came to use wood/Cold pressed oils instead of unhealthy, chemically treated oils.
(read more)Wood Pressed Groundnut Oil extraction
In the old days use wooden ghani to extract Groundnut oil using bulls. Now these mills are operated my electricity and modernized machines are came to the market with wooden crushing parts and low RPM mechanism.
Groundnut Oil also known as peanut oil its king of all oils. Wood pressed oils produced in wood machine ..
(read more)Wooden Ghana Oil extraction
In the old days use wooden ghani, stone ghani to extract seed oils like, groundnut oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, mustard oil and other oils using bulls.
The oil thus extracted from a wooden Ghani was called as wood pressed oil. It was also referred to as cold-pressed oil. The instrument used to extract oil was called 'Chekku', 'Ghani' .
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