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Cold pressed oil Steel can reusable process

In olden days we use to buy oils in near buy oil Ghana or store with our own steel containers. That is healthy practice we had. Now modern life style all olden Ghana are closed and take over by refined oil come with a plastic packs. Now lot awareness as came to use wood/Cold pressed oils instead of unhealthy, chemically treated oils.

We take an initiative to supply cold pressed oils in steel cans (reusable/exchangeable high quality steel cans) in Bangalore, Karnataka. We started cold pressed oils extraction from past 8 years and we supply the same door to door in Bangalore in steel cans.

We are the 1st in Industry to introduce steel cans in Cold pressed Oils. We supplied 54000 cans in Bangalore and Mysore till March 2022. We have 3 size cans 1.3ltr, 2.8ltr and 5ltr in size. We will take steel can deposits initially and we exchange the cans for re orders.

Save Nature and Get plastic free life

  • Customer can order required quantity in steel can, currently we have 1.3 ltr, 2.8 ltr and 5 ltr steel cans.
  • 1st time order we charge can deposits like 1.3ltr Rs.175, 2.8 ltr Rs.250 and 5 ltr Rs400. The deposits are refundable deposits, when steel cans returned with good condition we will refund the deposits.
  • If you don't want to pay can deposit, we have option poure to your can and return our can at the time of delivery.
  • Customer return the empty can in next order and collect fresh can with oil. Like exchange the can.
  • If customer doesn't want oil or they want it in glass, they can return the can and we will refund the deposit.
  • We collect empty cans, wash it in hot water with manual washing. After washing heat the cans and kept it ready for refilling.
  • We make sure same oil will refill in the used cans. Example: we used the can for groundnut oil we will groundnut oil only.
  • We maintain hygiene in all the process.
We are given 54000 cans till March 2022, we are keep on adding the cans as per customer requirement. We save the plastic usage in tons from past 8 years.

For know more write to us at sanathanafoods@gmail.com